Last update 23 Jan 2025

Postpoliomyelitis Syndrome

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Muscular Atrophies, Post-Poliomyelitis, Muscular Atrophies, Postpoliomyelitis, Muscular Atrophy, Post-Poliomyelitis
+ [43]
A syndrome characterized by new neuromuscular symptoms that occur at least 15 years after clinical stability has been attained in patients with a prior history of symptomatic poliomyelitis. Clinical features include new muscular weakness and atrophy of the limbs, bulbar innervated musculature, and muscles of respiration, combined with excessive fatigue, joint pain, and reduced stamina. The process is marked by slow progression and periods of stabilization. (From Ann NY Acad Sci 1995 May 25;753:68-80)


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