Clinical Trials associated with MV-ZIKA-RSP(Themis Bioscience GmbH)Observer Blinded, Randomized Trial to Evaluate Safety and Immunogenicity of a Novel Vaccine Formulation MV-ZIKA-RSP
This study is designed to investigate, at first, safety and tolerability of a novel liquid vaccine formulation named MV-ZIKA-RSP, in healthy adults aged 18 to 55 years
Double Blinded, Randomized, Placebo Controlled, Dose Finding Trial to Evaluate the Optimal Dose of MV-ZIKA, a New Vaccine Against Zika Virus, in Regard to Immunogenicity, Safety, and Tolerability in Healthy Volunteers
Double blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled, dose finding, multi-center, phase 1 trial in 48 healthy volunteer subjects.
After completion of screening procedures, the subjects are randomized to one of four treatment groups (different dosage strengths and placebo) All subjects will receive study treatment at day 0 and will return on day 28. Subjects randomized to treatment groups with two vaccinations will receive a second treatment at day 28.
Subjects will return on day 56 for the final visit.
100 Clinical Results associated with MV-ZIKA-RSP(Themis Bioscience GmbH)
100 Translational Medicine associated with MV-ZIKA-RSP(Themis Bioscience GmbH)
100 Patents (Medical) associated with MV-ZIKA-RSP(Themis Bioscience GmbH)
100 Deals associated with MV-ZIKA-RSP(Themis Bioscience GmbH)