Clinical Trials associated with ZM-01 / SuspendedEarly Phase 1IIT Prospective, Dose-Escalating, Investigator Initiated Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of ZM-01 in 3-18 Year-old Male Subjects With X-linked Retinoschisis
/ RecruitingEarly Phase 1 Prospective, Dose-Escalating, Investigator Initiated Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of ZM-01 in 3-18 Year-old Male Subjects With X-linked Retinoschisis
This trial is meant to evaluate the safety and efficacy of ZM-01 of X-linked retinoschisis. Unilateral intravitreal injections (IVT) will be given into the subject's Study Eye.
100 Clinical Results associated with ZM-01
100 Translational Medicine associated with ZM-01
100 Patents (Medical) associated with ZM-01
100 Deals associated with ZM-01