Clinical Trials associated with Vaccine PvCS N/C/R(Malaria Vaccine and Drug Development Center) / Unknown statusPhase 2IIT Safety and Protective Efficacy of a Synthetic Vaccine Derived From the CS Protein of Plasmodium Vivax: a Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial in naïve and Pre-immune Colombian Volunteers
This is a randomized, double-blind, controlled, which seeks to compare two groups of volunteers (naive and previously exposed to malaria) vaccinated with three doses of a synthetic derivative of the CS protein of Plasmodium vivax to determine their protective efficacy.
Then volunteers will be subject to an infectious challenge (Controlled Human Malaria Infection) to assess the infectivity of gametocytes in the blood early stage of P. vivax in Anopheles albimanus mosquitoes.
100 Clinical Results associated with Vaccine PvCS N/C/R(Malaria Vaccine and Drug Development Center)
100 Translational Medicine associated with Vaccine PvCS N/C/R(Malaria Vaccine and Drug Development Center)
100 Patents (Medical) associated with Vaccine PvCS N/C/R(Malaria Vaccine and Drug Development Center)
100 Deals associated with Vaccine PvCS N/C/R(Malaria Vaccine and Drug Development Center)