Summary. Optivate® is a high‐purity FVIII/VWF product. Its safety, tolerability and efficacy in subjects ≥12 years have been demonstrated. This study was undertaken to assess Optivate® in children with haemophilia A. Twenty‐five children, including one PUP (previously untreated patient), aged 1–6 years (mean 4.67 years) were treated with Optivate® for 26 weeks. Inhibitors were assessed every 3 months and viral status at the study start and end. Prophylaxis was used by five boys and on demand by twenty. The mean number of bleeds in the study was lower compared to the same period pre‐study (12.0/child vs. 16.2/child), with fewer bleeds (P < 0.05) in the prophylactic subgroup (8.0/child) compared with the on‐demand sub‐group (13.4/child). Fourteen major bleeds were reported, all by the on‐demand sub‐group. Children on prophylaxis were administered a mean of 59.4 infusions; on‐demand group 35.1 infusions. A total of 998 infusions were used with a mean dose of 29.1 IU kg−1, and a mean of 38.6 exposure days (ED). Children <4 years used higher doses, and reported fewer bleeds than older children. Children’s Parents/Guardians rated Optivate® as helpful or very helpful in controlling 97.5% of bleeds by the prophylactic group, and in 98.5% of the bleeds in the on‐demand group. Only 5 of 101 ADRs were treatment‐related events (5%), all were mild and non‐serious. There were no clinically significant changes in vital signs, viral transmissions or inhibitors. In young children Optivate® was well tolerated, safe and efficacious.