The Gulf of Mexico, including the southwest Florida coast, USA, experience recurrent blooms of the brevetoxin (PbTx)-producing dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis. Northern quahogs (hard clams) Mercenaria mercenaria, are an important commercial species in this region. This study examined the effects of field and laboratory exposure of adult clams to K. brevis during their reproductive period, and effects on their subsequently produced offspring. Ripe adult clams were collected from a site which had been exposed to an eight-month natural bloom of K. brevis and an unaffected reference site. Ripe adult clams were also exposed to bloom concentrations of K. brevis for 10 days in the laboratory. Clams exposed to K. brevis accumulated PbTx at concentrations of 1508 (field exposure), 1444 (1000 cells mL-1 laboratory treatment) and 5229 ng g-1 PbTx-3 eq (5000 cells mL-1 laboratory treatment). Field-exposed clams showed histopathological effects: a significantly higher prevalence of mucus in the stomach/ intestine (23.3%), edema in gill tissues (30%) and presence of the cestode parasite, Tylocephalum spp. in whole tissue (40%), compared to non-exposed clams (0, 3.3 and 6.7% respectively). These clams also showed reduced gonadal allocation (23% gonadal area) and a higher prevalence of clams of undetermined sex (20%) compared to those sampled from the non-exposed site (43% and 0%, respectively). It is hypothesized that less energy may be channeled into reproduction as more is allocated for homeostasis or tissue repair. The fertilization success of gametes obtained from both field and laboratory-exposed adults was significantly lower in clams that had been exposed to K. brevis and development of these offspring was negatively affected at Days 1 and 4 post-fertilization (in field- and laboratory-exposed clams at the higher K. brevis concentration and in laboratory-exposed clams at the higher K. brevis concentration, respectively). Negative effects may be due to toxin accumulation in the gametes of field-exposed clams (244 ± 50 ng PbTx g-1 and 470 ± 82 ng g-1 wet weight in oocytes and sperm, respectively). Adverse effects in M. mercenaria are compared to those previously reported in oysters, Crassostrea virginica, under similar conditions of exposure. This study provides further evidence of the impacts of K. brevis and its associated toxins on the adults and offspring of exposed shellfish. Site-selection for the collection of broodstock and aquaculture grow-out efforts should therefore consider the local occurrence of K. brevis blooms.