Clinical Trials associated with AloCelyvir / Not yet recruitingPhase 1/2IIT Phase I/II Study of AloCelyvir in Patients With Metastatic Uveal Melanoma
This is a non-randomized, single arm, single center, phase I/II study of AloCelyvir in subjects with mUM to the liver, the main site for M1 in this disease. This study is divided into 3 phases: Screening, Treatment, and Follow-up. After informed consent is obtained, subjects will enter in the Screening phase to assess eligibility criteria and perform a mandatory tumor biopsy. Upon meeting criteria, eligible subjects will be entered into the Treatment phase. Patients will receive AloCelyvir in weekly intravenous infusions at doses of 0.5x106 cells/kg for 8 weeks. After 4 first treatment doses a new tumor biopsy will be mandatory. Treatment will be maintained for 2 months (8 weeks) but can be stopped earlier if disease progression, unacceptable toxicity, or patient withdrawal. Subjects that are no longer receiving AloCelyvir will enter the Follow-up phase. Subjects that are no longer receiving AloCelyvir because of unacceptable toxicity or due to investigator judgment will undergo radiological evaluations of the tumor every 8 weeks during the first 12 months (48 weeks), and then every 12 weeks until the progression of disease (progression follow-up). Subjects that are no longer receiving Alocelyvir because of progression will enter the long term OS follow-up until their death or until the end of the study, whatever happens before. Subjects who have switched to an alternative treatment without disease progression will receive a formal follow-up with images tests until progression, and after progression long term follow up to record the date of death.
/ Active, not recruitingPhase 1/2IIT Phase IB Clinical Trial to Assess the Safety, Tolerability, and Preliminary Efficacy of AloCELYVIR (Mesenchymal Allogenic Cells + ICOVIR-5) in Children, Adolescent and Young Adults With Newly Diagnosed Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) in Combination With Radiotherapy or Medulloblastoma in Relapse/Progression in Monotherapy
The aim of this study is to assess the safety and efficacy of AloCELYVIR, which consist in bone marrow-derived allogenic mesenchymal stem cells infected with an oncolytic Adenovirus, ICOVIR-5. It has recently been proven that this type of cells are able of transporting oncolytic substances to tumor targets that are difficult to reach, such as medulloblastomas and gliomas, youth cancers located in the cranial cavity that have a poor prognosis and a fatal outcome. In addition, to exerting an anti-tumor action, this virus has the ability to stimulate the immune response, making the therapy even more effective. Thus, the diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma and the medulloblastoma in relapse/progression have been chosen to study the potential of this new advanced therapy through a weekly infusion for 8 weeks.
100 Clinical Results associated with AloCelyvir
100 Translational Medicine associated with AloCelyvir
100 Patents (Medical) associated with AloCelyvir
100 Deals associated with AloCelyvir