Clinical Trials associated with Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (Herlev Hospital)T-cell Therapy in Combination With Nivolumab, Relatlimab and Ipilimumab for Patients With Advanced Ovarian-, Fallopian Tube- and Primary Peritoneal Cancer
Although immunotherapy has revolutionized the treatment of many cancers, ovarian cancer patients have not yet benefitted from the advances.
In two consecutive pilot trials at National Center for Cancer Immune Therapy (CCIT-DK), is has been have shown that adoptive cell therapy (ACT) with TILs for patients with advanced ovarian cancer (OC) is feasible and tolerable. In the most recent of these trials ACT was combined with a CTLA-4 inhibitor, Ipilimumab and a PD1-inhibitor, Nivolumab. Only transient clinical responses where observed.
Between 90-100 % of infused T-cells in our previous ovarian cancer ACT trial expressed LAG-3. The interaction between LAG-3 on T-cells and MHC-II on tumor cells inhibits T-cell function.
In this study adding the LAG-3 antibody Relatlimab to the ACT-regimen described above may therefore well unleash T-cell antitumor efficacy by blocking the known LAG-3-MHC-II interaction.
With this study the aim is to demonstrate that adding the lag-3-inhibitor Relatlimab to the above treatment regimen is feasible and tolerable. The study will elucidate whether the combination Relatlimab-Nivolumab leads to objective responses and improves progression free survival (PFS).
100 Clinical Results associated with Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (Herlev Hospital)
100 Translational Medicine associated with Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (Herlev Hospital)
100 Patents (Medical) associated with Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (Herlev Hospital)
100 Deals associated with Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (Herlev Hospital)