Several compounds (bamipine, chlorphenoxamine, estracyt, hycanthone, quinidine, quinine, tamoxifen, trifluoperazine and verapamil) have a common basic structure with the following features: lipophilic aromatic ring system; linked chain hydrophilic N-alkyl group. They are used medically for varying diseases. Their activity in reversing multidrug-resistance (MDR) with other compounds (diethylstilbestrol, beta-estradiol, methylbiguanide, methylpiperazine, testosterone) lacking one of these chemical features is compared. The in vitro test system we used was the nucleoside incorporation assay using parental L 1210 ascites tumor cells and a doxorubicin resistant subline, which expresses the MDR phenotype. The substances lacking one of these features were not effective in reversing the MDR whereas all other tested substances demonstrated modulating potential in the MDR resistant L 1210 cells.