The probability of long term survival for allogeneic graft patients was 63% for ALL, 64% for ANL and 40% for CML in the 1st remission or 1st chronic phase of each leukemia. The major causes of death were interstitial pneumonia, relapse of leukemia and infections. On relationship of GVHD and the long term survival, the probability of 5 years survival was 38%, 47% and 25% in grade O, I and II-IV of acute GVHD respectively. And the relationship between the relapse rate and GVHD, the patients with both of acute and chronic GVHD showed the lowest relapse rate 15.9%, the patients without GVHD showed the highest relapse rate 37.8% and the patients with either of GVHD showed the rate of between those of two groups. This may suggest that GVHD both acute and chronic might have an ability that can suppress the relapse of leukemia, i.e. GVL reaction. Interstitial pneumonia occurred in 32% of allograft patients and was often lethal complication (53%). Among many of prophylaxis tested, the followings were effective, a lower dose rate of total body irradiation, the selection of CMV-seronegative platelets donor, and the prophylactic administration of anti-CMV high titer globulin. Colony stimulating factor of human urine was also effective for shortening the granulopenic period after transplantation to prevent severe infections.