Mycoplasma genitalium is a small size, sexually transmitted bacterial pathogen that causes urethritis in males and cervicitis in females. Being resistant to antibiotics, difficulty in diagnosis, treatment, and control of this cosmopolitan infection, vaccination is the alternating method for its effective management. Herein, this study was conducted to computationally design a multi-epitope vaccine to boost host immune responses against M. genitalium. To achieve the study aim, immunoinformatics approaches were applied to the said pathogen's proteomics sequence data. B and T cell epitopes were projected from the three shortlisted vaccine proteins; MG014, MG015, Hmw3MG317. The final vaccine ensemble comprises cytotoxic and helper T cell epitopes fused through appropriate linkers. The epitopes peptide is then liked to an adjuvant for efficient recognition and processing by the host immune system. The various physicochemical parameters such as allergenicity, antigenicity, theoretical pI, GRAVY, and molecular weight of the vaccine were checked and found safe and effective to be used in post-experimental studies. The stability and binding affinity of the vaccine with the TLR1/2 heterodimer were ensured by performing molecular docking. The best-docked complex was considered, ranked top having the lowest binding energy and strong intermolecular binding and stability. Finally, the vaccine constructs better expression was obtained by in silico cloning into the pET28a (+) vector in Escherichia coli K-12 strain, and immune simulation validated the immune response. In a nutshell, all these approaches lead to developing a multi-epitope vaccine that possessed the ability to induce cellular and antibody-mediated immune responses against the pathogen used.