ABSTRACTMS/MS experiment and accurate mass measurement are powerful tools in metabolite identification. However, sometimes these data do not provide enough information to assign an unambiguous structure to a metabolite. In combination with MS techniques, hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange can provide additional information for structural elucidation by determination of the number of exchangeable hydrogen atoms in a structure. In this study, the principal phase I metabolites of iso‐phenylcyclopentylamine in rat bile were identified by high‐performance liquid chromatography with electrospray ionization quadrupole time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (ESI‐Q‐TOF‐MS). Since N‐oxidation may occur because of the existence of the primary amino group in the structure, it was difficult to differentiate the hydroxylated metabolites from N‐oxides by ESI‐Q‐TOF‐MS alone. Therefore, online H/D exchange technique was applied to solve this problem. Finally, 25 phase I metabolites were detected and structurally described, in which 11 were confirmed to be N‐oxides. This study demonstrated the effectiveness of high‐resolution mass spectrometry in combination with an online H/D exchange technique in rapid identification of drug metabolites, especially in discriminating hydroxylated metabolites from N‐oxides. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.