Clinical Trials associated with ALLO-ASC-DFU(Anterogen)Double Blind, Randomized, Phase II Clinical Study to Evaluate Safety and Efficacy of ALLO-ASC-SHEET Versus Vehicle Control in Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa (DEB) Patients
After confirming eligibility, a single subject with four selected target lesions will receive both ALLO-ASC-SHEET and Vehicle control, three target lesions for ALLO-ASC-SHEET and the other target for Vehicle control, and which lesion to apply which IP treatment will be determined randomly at the time of enrollment using pre-designed block randomization scheme.
/ RecruitingNot Applicable A Follow-up Study to Evaluate the Safety of ALLO-ASC-DFU in ALLO-ASC-DFU-302 Clinical Trial
This is a follow-up study to evaluate the safety for the subjects with ALLO-ASC-DFU treatment in phase 3 clinical trial (ALLO-ASC-DFU-302) for 24 months
A Phase 2 Clinical Study to Evaluate The Efficacy and Safety of ALLO-ASC-SHEET in the Subjects With Diabetic Wagner Grade II Foot Ulcers
This is a phase 2 double-blind clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and Safety of ALLO-ASC-SHEET in subjects with Diabetic Wagner Grade II Foot Ulcers, compared to placebo therapy.
100 Clinical Results associated with ALLO-ASC-DFU(Anterogen)
100 Translational Medicine associated with ALLO-ASC-DFU(Anterogen)
100 Patents (Medical) associated with ALLO-ASC-DFU(Anterogen)
100 Deals associated with ALLO-ASC-DFU(Anterogen)