Clinical Trials associated with Inactivated adjuvanted influenza vaccine(LiteVax) / Active, not recruitingPhase 1/2 A Single-center, Observer-blind Study to Evaluate Safety, Immunogenicity, and Immunological Mechanisms of TETRALITE Influenza Vaccine With LiteVax Adjuvant, in Healthy Participants Aged 60 Years and Older and 18 to 50 Years.
The effect of LiteVax Adjuvant supplemented to licensed seasonal influenza vaccine on safety and immunogenicity will be investigated in both younger and older healthy participants. Local and systemic adverse events, and humoral and cellular immune responses will be determined at different time intervals after a single administration. Mode of action of LiteVax Adjuvant will examined by detailed genetic analysis and omics approaches such as transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics.
A Randomized First-in-human, Observer-blind, 3-arm Study to Evaluate Safety, Tolerability, and Immunogenicity of a Single Administration of TETRALITE, a Novel Adjuvanted, Low-dose Influenza Vaccine
There is an obvious need for an affordable and more effective seasonal influenza vaccine. TETRALITE is a novel, inactivated, adjuvanted influenza vaccine combining a low dose of a licensed vaccine with the novel, potent LiteVax Adjuvant.
A licensed vaccine (Cohort 1) with a normal dose [15 ug per strain] and no adjuvant will be compared with two TETRALITE study vaccines with 1/5th of the licensed vaccine added with a low (Cohort 2) or high (Cohort 3) dose of LiteVax Adjuvant.
A Phase II, Open Label, Uncontrolled, Multi Center Study to Evaluate Safety and Immunogenicity of a Surface Antigen, Inactivated, Adjuvanted Influenza Vaccine, Formulation 2007-2008, When Administered to Elderly Subjects
To evaluate the antibody response to each influenza vaccine antigen when administering a single dose to subjects aged 65 years and over
Start Date01 Jun 2007 |
Sponsor / Collaborator- |
100 Clinical Results associated with Inactivated adjuvanted influenza vaccine(LiteVax)
100 Translational Medicine associated with Inactivated adjuvanted influenza vaccine(LiteVax)
100 Patents (Medical) associated with Inactivated adjuvanted influenza vaccine(LiteVax)
100 Deals associated with Inactivated adjuvanted influenza vaccine(LiteVax)