Clinical Trials associated with Pushen Penqiangyan Capsule / Not yet recruitingPhase 3IIT 蒲参盆腔炎胶囊治疗盆腔炎性疾病后遗症-慢性盆腔痛(湿热瘀结证)有效性和安全性的多中心临床研究
[Translation] A multicenter clinical study on the efficacy and safety of Pu Shen Pelvic Inflammatory Capsule in the treatment of sequelae of pelvic inflammatory disease-chronic pelvic pain (damp-heat stasis syndrome)
1.确证评价蒲参盆腔炎胶囊对盆腔炎性疾病后遗症-慢性盆腔痛(湿热瘀结证)的疾病缓解作用和证候改善作用。 2.观察评价蒲参盆腔炎胶囊临床应用的安全性。
[Translation] 1. To confirm and evaluate the disease-relieving and symptom-improving effects of Pu Shen Pelvic Inflammatory Capsules on the sequelae of pelvic inflammatory disease - chronic pelvic pain (damp-heat stasis syndrome). 2. To observe and evaluate the safety of Pu Shen Pelvic Inflammatory Capsules in clinical application.
100 Clinical Results associated with Pushen Penqiangyan Capsule
100 Translational Medicine associated with Pushen Penqiangyan Capsule
100 Patents (Medical) associated with Pushen Penqiangyan Capsule
100 Deals associated with Pushen Penqiangyan Capsule