Clinical Trials associated with SRG-514A Phase 1 Study of SRG-514 Administered Intraoperatively to the Site of Tumor Resection of Patients Undergoing Breast-Conserving Cancer Surgery
This is a multicenter, first-in-human (FIH), open label, Phase 1 dose escalation and recommended Phase 2 dose (RP2D) extension trial with a primary objective to define the RP2D of SRG-514 when administered intraoperatively to patients undergoing breast-conserving cancer surgery. SRG-514 will be investigated utilizing a 3+3 convention dose escalation cohorts.
100 Clinical Results associated with SRG-514
100 Translational Medicine associated with SRG-514
100 Patents (Medical) associated with SRG-514
100 Deals associated with SRG-514