Clinical Trials associated with GO-2032c / Active, not recruitingPhase 1/2IIT A Phase I/II Trial of the MUC1 Inhibitor, GO-203-2C in Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Acute Myeloid Leukemia
This research study is studying a targeted therapy known as GO-203-2C as a possible treatment for with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) both alone and in combination with decitabine. GO-203-2c targets cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells unaffected.This is a Phase I/II clinical trial. A Phase I clinical trial tests the safety of an investigational intervention and also tries to define the appropriate dose of the investigational intervention to use for further studies.
A Phase 1, Multi-center, Open-label, Dose-escalation, Safety, Pharmacodynamic and Pharmacokinetic Study of GO-203-2c Given Intravenously Daily X21 Repeated Every 28 Days in Patients With Advanced Solid Tumors Including Lymphomas
This clinical trial is about testing GO-203-2c, which is a newly discovered compound that binds to an oncoprotein (a cancer causing protein) called MUC1 (which is over-expressed in many cancers). By binding to MUC1, GO-203-2c eventually causes tumor cell death in laboratory studies.
This study is being done to:
Test the safety of GO-203-2c and see what effects (good and bad) it has on you and your cancer
Find the highest dose of GO-203-2c that can be given without causing bad side effects
Examine how much GO-203-2c is in the blood at certain times after it is given and how quickly the body gets rid of it
Observe whether there is any effect of GO-203-2c on the size and activity of cancer in your body
A Phase I Trial of the MUC1 Inhibitor, GO-203-2c, in Combination With Bortezomib in Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma
This research study is studying a combination of targeted therapies known as GO-203-2C and bortezomib as a possible treatment for multiple myeloma that has either progressed or not responded to treatment.
100 Clinical Results associated with GO-2032c
100 Translational Medicine associated with GO-2032c
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