Clinical Trials associated with Longqi Capsule(Nanjing Fusheng Pharmaceutical) / Active, not recruitingPhase 2 龙七胶囊联合螺旋藻胶囊与安慰剂联合螺旋藻胶囊平行对照治疗非小细胞肺癌(气血瘀滞、痰饮阻肺证)的试验
[Translation] A parallel controlled trial of Longqi capsule combined with Spirulina capsule and placebo combined with Spirulina capsule in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (Qi and blood stasis, phlegm and fluid blocking the lungs)
[Translation] To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Longqi Capsule in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (Qi and blood stasis, phlegm and fluid blocking the lungs) compared with placebo, while taking Spirulina Capsule as the basic medication.
100 Clinical Results associated with Longqi Capsule(Nanjing Fusheng Pharmaceutical)
100 Translational Medicine associated with Longqi Capsule(Nanjing Fusheng Pharmaceutical)
100 Patents (Medical) associated with Longqi Capsule(Nanjing Fusheng Pharmaceutical)
100 Deals associated with Longqi Capsule(Nanjing Fusheng Pharmaceutical)