Clinical Trials associated with Measles, mumps and rubella combined vaccine, live attenuated(Shanghai Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd.)A Phase III, Multi-Center, Randomized, Observer-Blind, Active Controlled Non-Inferiority Study to Evaluate the Immunogenicity and Safety of SIBP's MMR Vaccine Compared to GSK MMR Vaccine in Children, 9-11 Months of Age
To evaluate the Immunogenicity and Safety of Shanghai Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd.'s Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine Compared to a Licensed and WHO Prequalified GSK MMR Vaccine in Healthy African Children, 9-11 Months of Age.
A Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Immunogenicity of Concomitant Administration of EV71 Vaccine With Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Combined Live Attenuated Vaccine/ Encephalitis Live Attenuated Vaccine
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of concomitant administration of EV71 vaccine with measles mumps, and rubella combined live attenuated vaccine/ encephalitis live attenuated vaccine.
100 Clinical Results associated with Measles, mumps and rubella combined vaccine, live attenuated(Shanghai Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd.)
100 Translational Medicine associated with Measles, mumps and rubella combined vaccine, live attenuated(Shanghai Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd.)
100 Patents (Medical) associated with Measles, mumps and rubella combined vaccine, live attenuated(Shanghai Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd.)
100 Deals associated with Measles, mumps and rubella combined vaccine, live attenuated(Shanghai Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd.)