[Translation] A dose-escalation, open-label phase I clinical trial to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and pharmacokinetic characteristics of the multi-target kinase inhibitor QBH-196 in the treatment of patients with advanced malignant solid tumors
评价 QBH-196 治疗标准治疗失败的晚期恶性实体瘤患者的安全性和耐受性, 并探索QBH-196 的最大耐受剂量( MTD),确定Ⅱ期临床试验推荐剂量( RP2D) 。
1) 评价 QBH-196 的药代动力学( PK)特征;
2) 初步评价 QBH-196 的抗肿瘤疗效;
3) 如数据允许,初步评价生物标志物(如 c-MET 异常等)与抗肿瘤疗效的关系。
[Translation] Primary objective:
To evaluate the safety and tolerability of QBH-196 in patients with advanced malignant solid tumors who have failed standard treatment, and to explore the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of QBH-196 and determine the recommended dose (RP2D) for Phase II clinical trials.
Secondary objectives:
1) To evaluate the pharmacokinetic (PK) characteristics of QBH-196;
2) To preliminarily evaluate the anti-tumor efficacy of QBH-196;
3) If data permit, to preliminarily evaluate the relationship between biomarkers (such as c-MET abnormalities, etc.) and anti-tumor efficacy.