Clinical Trials associated with BAY-3632687A Phase 0 Study of the Pharmacokinetics and Biodistribution of PSMA-Targeted [In-111]-Labeled Trillium Compounds With and Without PTI-122 in Patients With Metastatic Prostate Cancer to Inform Future Phase 1 Dosing With [Ac-225]-Trillium-PSMA Radionuclide Therapy
Exploratory study in adult males with metastatic prostate cancer intended to characterize the pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of PSMA-Targeted [In-111]-Labeled Trillium Compounds with and without the cytoprotective agent PTI-122. Up to 36 eligible subjects will be enrolled. Additional subjects may be enrolled if there is insufficient data for evaluation, for example if the original study subjects do not complete required imaging studies for reasons unrelated to adverse events.
Up to four PSMA-Targeted [In-111]-Labeled Trillium Compounds will be evaluated. Each compound will be evaluated first without the cytoprotective agent, PTI-122, then the [In-111]-labeled Trillium Compound may be co-administered with PTI-122.
100 Clinical Results associated with BAY-3632687
100 Translational Medicine associated with BAY-3632687
100 Patents (Medical) associated with BAY-3632687
100 Deals associated with BAY-3632687