Clinical Trials associated with AleozenEvaluation of the Efficacy of a Herbal Supplement in the Prevention of Treatment of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Versus Placebo (PHYTéS Study)
Psycho-traumatic disorders are a disabling condition whose epidemiological data vary according to the country but also the populations studied and the measuring instruments used. The estimated prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) appeared to be increasing in recent years, and this appears to be due, among other things, to the improvement of the standardized evaluation procedure. The survey "Mental Health in General Population", conducted in metropolitan France between 1999 and 2003 on more than 36,000 people estimated its instantaneous prevalence (last month) of a full PTSD was 0.7% in the SMPG overall sample, with almost equal frequency between men (45%) and women (55%). This figure is close to that reported in a European population for the ESEMeD study. A very significant psychiatric comorbidity was found in subjects with PTSD, particularly with mood disorders, other anxiety disorders and addictive behaviors. The link with the suicidal risk was clearly established, which is the gravity of this pathology.
The most important publications are made by American teams who have identified and evaluated the treatment of this pathology among veterans of the various wars led by the country.
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