Infection of influenza virus could induce acute lung inflammatory injury (ALII) that was at least partially caused by excessive innate immune responses. To study whether down-regulating Toll-like receptor (TLR)-mediated innate immune response could lessen influenza virus-induced ALII, a microsatellite DNA mimicking oligodeoxynucleotide (MS ODN), named as SAT05f capable of inhibiting TLR7/9-activation in vitro, was used to treat mice infected with FM1 virus. In parallel, two MS ODNs confirmed with less or no in vitro activities, named as MS19 and MS33, were used as controls. Unexpectedly, SAT05f failed to lessen ALII in the mice, whereas MS19 significantly inhibited the weight loss and displayed dramatic effect on lessening the ALII by reducing consolidation, hemorrhage, intra-alveolar edema and neutrophils infiltration in lungs of the mice. Meanwhile, MS19 could decrease the mortality of influenza virus infected mice and down-regulate TNF-α production in their lungs. The data suggest that MS19 might display its therapeutic role on ALII induced by influenza virus by reducing over-production of TNF-α.