Last update 23 Jan 2025

Oto-Palato-Digital Syndrome, Type 2

Basic Info

Andre syndrome, CRANIOORODIGITAL SYNDROME, Cranio-oro-digital syndrome
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A severe form of otopalatodigital syndrome spectrum disorder with characteristics of dysmorphic facies, severe skeletal dysplasia affecting the axial and appendicular skeleton, extraskeletal anomalies (including malformations of the brain, heart, genitourinary system and intestine) and poor survival. Caused by gain of function mutations in the gene FLNA (Xq28) that encodes filamin A. Inherited in an X-linked dominant manner. Male-to-male transmission has not been reported. The chance of transmitting the mutation in each pregnancy is 50%; males inheriting the mutation will be affected while females who inherit the mutation are less severely affected.


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