BACKGROUNDAcne vulgaris is a complex, multifactorial, inflammatory skin condition. Although frequently presented at dermatology clinics, the literature on adult acne is scarce, particularly concerning skin barrier function and management. We aimed to provide insights into the role of skin barrier integrity in adult acne patients and the role of cleansers and moisturizers as adjunctive to treating and maintaining adult acne. Methods: A panel of eight dermatologists who treat adult patients with acne developed a consensus paper on the role of skin barrier function and skin care in adult acne management. The modified Delphi method comprised a face-to-face meeting and online follow-up to discuss the results of a scoping literature review. Drawing from their experience and opinions, they agreed on seven consensus statements. Results: Epidermal barrier dysfunction plays a vital role in acne pathogenesis and asymmetrically impacts adult female acne. Erythema, pruritus, peeling, and xerosis are common adverse effects of first-line acne treatment options and, if not appropriately counseled and managed, can exacerbate, leading to regimen nonadherence and poor patient experience and outcomes.CONCLUSIONImproving patient knowledge of comprehensive acne treatments, including quality adjunctive cleansers and moisturizers, may maximize regimen efficacy and provide patients with personalized and successful acne treatment and maintenance tools. J Drugs Dermatol. 2024;23(8):674-679. doi:10.36849/JDD.8471.