Clinical Trials associated with Armocibart / Not yet recruitingPhase 2 A Phase II Multicenter, Open Label Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Efficacy, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and PK/PD Profile of Multiple Subcutaneous Injection of KN057 in Male Patients with Severe Hemophilia a or Moderate-to-Severe Hemophilia B with or Without Inhibitors
The goal of this clinical trial is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of KN057 in adult patients with severe Hemophilia A (coagulation factor FVIII activity <1%) or moderate-to-severe Hemophilia B (FIX activity ≤2%). Participants will be administered subcutaneously with KN057 once a week for 20 weeks. KN057 works differently than factor replacement products and will work in the presence of inhibitors. The potential for once weekly subcutaneous administration provides better convenience and compliance.
[Translation] A randomized, open-label study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of KN057 injection for prophylactic treatment in patients with hemophilia A and hemophilia B without inhibitors
[Translation] The efficacy of KN057 as a preventive therapy was evaluated in patients with hemophilia A (HA) without inhibitors and hemophilia B (HB) without inhibitors.
A Randomized, Open-label Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of KN057 Injection Prophylaxis in Patients With Hemophilia A or B Without Inhibitors
The purpose of this study is to show that KN057 can prevent bleeds in patients with haemophilia A or B without inhibitors and is safe to use. Participants receiving on-demand treatment prior to screening will be randomly assigned to Experimental group or Control group at a ratio of 2:1 in Part A. Participants receiving prophylaxis prior to screening will be nonrandomly assigned to Prophylaxis group in Part B. Participants in Experimental group will receive KN057 prophylaxis for 52 weeks upon enrollment. Participants in Control group will first receive on-demand treatment for 26 weeks, then switch to KN057 prophylaxis for 26 weeks. Participants in Prophylaxis group will first receive prophylaxis with coagulation factor for 26 weeks, then switch to KN057 prophylaxis for 26 weeks.
100 Clinical Results associated with Armocibart
100 Translational Medicine associated with Armocibart
100 Patents (Medical) associated with Armocibart
100 Deals associated with Armocibart