Clinical Trials associated with Diclofenac Sodium/MentholSafety Study to Investigate the Skin Sensitization Potential of MFC51123
This research study is being carried out to determine the possibility that a new medication causes allergic reactions. This new medication contains two active ingredients (diclofenac and menthol) together in a gel and is being developed to treat mild to moderate pain and inflammation, such as acute sport injuries, and sprains and strains. Approximately 240 participants will have the medication (gel) applied to the skin on a small area of the upper back for approximately 48-hour or 72-hour periods over the course of six weeks. Participation in this research study is voluntary, requiring participants to visit the study clinic on 17 occasions for about 45 minutes each visit. During the visits, doctors or trained staff members will examine the amount of redness, swelling, and other signs of irritation (if any) of the skin where the medication (gel) was applied.
A Clinical Study to Assess the Efficacy and Onset of Pain Relief of Topical MFC51123 Diclofenac-Menthol Gel Versus Controls in Ankle Sprain
This Phase III pivotal efficacy study will assess efficacy and onset of pain relief of MFC51123 gel vs. placebo and MFC51123 gel vs. 1% diclofenac gel and 3% menthol gel in participants with an ankle sprain to support topical MFC51123 gel registration.
100 Clinical Results associated with Diclofenac Sodium/Menthol
100 Translational Medicine associated with Diclofenac Sodium/Menthol
100 Patents (Medical) associated with Diclofenac Sodium/Menthol
100 Deals associated with Diclofenac Sodium/Menthol