Author: Orquevaux, Pauline ; Sailler, Laurent ; Molto, Anna ; Poindron, Vincent ; Alle, Gelsomina ; Mouthon, Luc ; Langlois, Vincent ; Guettrot-Imbert, Gaëlle ; Pérard, Laurent ; Leroux, Gaëlle ; Morati-Hafsaoui, Chafika ; Morel, Nathalie ; Goulenok, Tiphaine ; Sarrot Reynauld, Françoise ; London, Jonathan ; Souchaud-Debouverie, Odile ; Sentilhes, Loïc ; Le Besnerais, Maëlle ; Richez, Christophe ; Lazaro, Estibaliz ; Blanchet, Benoit ; Chauvet, Elodie ; Le Guern, Véronique ; Hachulla, Eric ; Larosa, Maddalena ; Costedoat-Chalumeau, Nathalie ; Queyrel, Viviane ; Murarasu, Anne ; Urbanski, Geoffrey ; Bérezné, Alice ; Pannier, Emmanuelle ; Roussin, Céline Lartigau
Objectives:Data about hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) levels during pregnancy are sparse. We assessed HCQ whole-blood levels at first trimester of pregnancy as a potential predictor of maternal and obstetric/fetal outcomes in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
Methods:We included pregnant SLE patients enrolled in the prospective GR2 study receiving HCQ, with at least one available first-trimester whole-blood HCQ assay. We evaluated several cut-offs for HCQ whole-blood levels, including ≤200 ng/ml for severe non-adherence. Primary outcomes were maternal flares during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, and adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs: fetal/neonatal death, placental insufficiency with preterm delivery, and small-for-gestational-age neonates).
Results:We included 174 patients (median age: 32.1 years, IQR 28.8–35.2). Thirty (17.2%) patients had flares, four (2.3%) being severe. APOs occurred in 28 patients (16.1%). There were no significant differences in APOs by HCQ level for either those with subtherapeutic HCQ levels (≤500 ng/ml vs >500 ng/ml: 23.5% vs 14.3%, P = 0.19) or those with non-adherent HCQ levels (≤200 ng/ml vs >200 ng/ml: 20.0% vs 15.7%, P = 0.71). Similarly, the overall rate of maternal flares did not differ significantly by HCQ level cut-off, but patients with subtherapeutic (HCQ ≤500 ng/ml: 8.8% vs 0.7%, P = 0.02) and non-adherent HCQ levels (≤200 ng/ml: 13.3% vs 1.3%, P = 0.04) had significantly more severe flares.
Conclusion:In this large prospective study of pregnant SLE patients, first-trimester subtherapeutic (≤500 ng/ml) and severe non-adherent (≤200 ng/ml) HCQ levels were associated with severe maternal flares, but not with APOs.
Trial,, NCT02450396