Phase 1 Study of Cord Blood-derived Cytokine-induced Killer Cells in Patients With Solid Tumor After Radical Resection
Cytokine-induced killer (CIK) cells are a heterogeneous subset of ex-vivo expanded T lymphocytes which present a mixed T-NK phenotype and are endowed with a major histocompatibility complex-unrestricted antitumor activity. Radical surgery is a good therapy for patients with solid tumor.However, tumor relapse is still a risk for those patients. Our hypothsis is that cytokine induced killer cells maybe decrease the recurrence rate. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of cord blood-derived cytokine induced killer cells in patients with solid tumor following radical resection.
100 Clinical Results associated with Beijing Hezerprui Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
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100 Translational Medicine associated with Beijing Hezerprui Biotechnology Co., Ltd.