Bioavailability of Two Formulations of Eszopiclone 3.0 mg Coated Tablets With Regards to the Marketed Reference Product
This study will investigate the bioavailability in fasting healthy, adult, human subjects of 1 tablet of two formulations containing Eszopiclone 3mg.
The study will be performed at a single site with 28 subjects. Participants will take 1 tablet of the test product 1, and 1 tablet of the test product 2, and reference product in 4 periods and 2 sequences (either test after reference or reference after test). There will be a washout of at least 2 days between each study period.
Bioavailability of a Formulation of Estradiol Valerate and Dienogest 2 mg/2 mg Coated Tablets With Regards to the Marketed Reference Product
This study will investigate the bioavailability in fasting healthy, adult, human post-menopausal female subjects of 1 tablet formulation containing Estradiol Valerate and Dienogest 2 mg/ 2mg.
The study will be performed at a single site with 10 subjects. Participants will take 1 tablet of the test product and reference product in 2 periods and 2 sequences (either test after reference or reference after test). There will be a washout of at least 7 days between each study period.
Bioavailability of a Formulation of Levonorgestrel and Ethinyl Estradiol 15.0 mg/0.03 mg Coated Tablets With Regards to the Marketed Reference Product
This study will investigate the bioavailability in women of 2 tablet formulations containing Levonorgestrel 15.0 mg and Ethinyl estradiol 0.03 mg. The study will be performed at a single site with 36 subjects. Participants will take 2 tablets of the test product and reference product in 2 periods and 2 sequences (either test after reference or reference after test). There will be a washout of at least 14 days between each study period.
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