/ RecruitingNot ApplicableIIT Effects of Thyroidectomy on Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Patients Suffering From Goiters
Literature regarding effects of goiter on the occurrence of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) remains scarce. Reports have described cases of OSA in patients suffering from goiters, resolved after thyroidectomy.
It has been recently shown that goiters of a total volume exceeding 25 mL leads to >30% tracheal compression.
The aims of the present study is to assess 1) the prevalence of OSA in patients suffering from goiters and planned for thyroidectomy 2) the role of thyroidectomy in OSA resolution in patients suffering from pre-operative OSA 3) the identification of predictors for persisting OSA.
Effect of the Antidiabetic Drug DAPAgliflozin on the Coronary Macrovascular and MICROvascular Function in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Cardiovascular events remain a major driver of morbidity and mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diffuse coronary atherosclerosis, combined with impairment of the microcirculation are frequent even in asymptomatic patients and can lead to unfavourable outcomes. In recent years, novel classes of antidiabetic drugs have been introduced, with salutary effects on cardiovascular outcomes of diabetic patients. The sodium-glucose linked transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors - gliflozins - bind to the SGLT2 receptors of the proximal tubule of the nephron and cause glycosuria. They have been shown to have favourable cardiovascular effects by reducing deaths from cardiovascular causes in type 2 diabetic patients.
Moreover, dapagliflozin reduces hospitalisation for heart failure in type 2 diabetic heart failure patients with and without reduced ejection fraction and reduces cardiovascular death and all causes mortality in those with reduced ejection fraction.
It is currently unknown if this is mediated by improvement of coronary physiology both at the level of the epicardial coronary arteries as well as the coronary microcirculation.
The purpose of the study is to explore the impact of dapagliflozin on the coronary and microcirculatory function of type 2 diabetic patients.
/ WithdrawnNot ApplicableIIT Study on the Efficacy of Infiltration of Upper Cluneal Nerves in Chronic Pain Related to Cluneal Syndrome
Lower back pain is a very common complaint in the Chronic Pain Clinic. Its etiology is nonspecific in 85% of the cases. In 1957, Strong and Davila reported that the superior cluneal nerves (SCNs) and middle cluneal nerves (MCNs) can be entrapped around the iliac crest, suggesting a causal relationship between this entrapment (SCN-Entrapment, SCN-E) and low back pain symptom. This is known today as "cluneal syndrome".
Cluneal syndrome remains poorly investigated and is currently a diagnostic challenge. Various types of lumbar movements exacerbate its occurence. The most common theory regarding the origin of this pain evokes that is primarily due to a mechanical cause linked to stenosis or adhesions of fibrous tissue around the cluneal nerves causing distress.
The hypothesis is that the investigator can reduce the pain related to the syndrome of superior cluneal origin thanks to a "volume effect" which aims to detach adhesions and/or aponeurotic stenoses that cause a distress of cluneal nerves.
The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of the cluneal nerve block using theThomas Dahl Nielsen ultrasound based technique in patients with chronic low-back pain related to SCN-E. To this end, the investigator will compare physiological serum injection versus local anaesthetic injection, with the aim of reducing short-term pain and improving quality of life.
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