[Translation] A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose-finding study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of SAR443122 in adult patients with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis
[Translation] Primary objective, Part A plus Part B (induction therapy): To evaluate the efficacy of different doses of SAR443122 in subjects with moderate to severe UC. Secondary objectives, Part A and Part B (induction therapy): 1) To evaluate the effect of SAR443122 on endoscopic improvement in subjects with UC. 2) To evaluate the effect of SAR443122 on clinical remission and clinical response in subjects with UC. 3) To evaluate the effect of SAR443122 on histological improvement in subjects with UC. 4) To evaluate the effect of SAR443122 on histological-endoscopic mucosal improvement (HEMI) in subjects with UC. 5) To evaluate the effect of SAR443122 on disease-specific quality of life. 6) To evaluate the effect of SAR443122 on patient-reported signs and symptoms of ulcerative colitis; To evaluate the pharmacokinetics of SAR443122 in subjects with UC; To evaluate the safety and tolerability of SAR443122 in subjects with moderate to severe UC for 52 weeks.