[Translation] A single-center, randomized, open-label, two-formulation, two-period, two-sequence, single-dose, double-crossover bioequivalence study of besudil mesylate tablets in Chinese healthy volunteers in the postprandial state
主要目的:以贝舒地尔的主要药代动力学参数(AUC(0-t)和Cmax)为生物等效性的评价指标,在中国健康受试者餐后状态下评估受试制剂【浙江华义制药有限公司申报的甲磺酸贝舒地尔片,规格:0.2g(按C26H24N6O2计)】和参比制剂【Kadmon Pharmaceuticals, LLC持证的甲磺酸贝舒地尔片,规格:0.2g(按按C26H24N6O2计);商品名:易来克®】的生物等效性。
[Translation] Primary objective: To evaluate the bioequivalence of the test preparation [Besudil mesylate tablets declared by Zhejiang Huayi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., specification: 0.2g (calculated as C26H24N6O2)] and the reference preparation [Besudil mesylate tablets certified by Kadmon Pharmaceuticals, LLC, specification: 0.2g (calculated as C26H24N6O2); trade name: Eleike®] in the postprandial state of healthy Chinese subjects using the main pharmacokinetic parameters of besudil (AUC(0-t) and Cmax) as bioequivalence evaluation indicators.
Secondary objective: To observe the safety of the test preparation and the reference preparation in the postprandial state.