A review Many thanks for your review ofour observational study report of patients who'did not qualify' for the. Randomized.Trial referenced by the NCT.These patients were treated along the lines of the rapidly evolving community. Standard of care for high-risk patients COVID-19. Age is an important risk-stratifier and our sample included 47, 46, 46 and 43 yr olds individuals but in addition five notable patients were 94, 86, 92, 87 and 86 years of age, far away from a threshold of 50. All of these elderly patients survived. We are familiar with the extraordinary circumstances surrounding publication of COVID-19 treatments and vaccine safety, and thus we rely on the data available irresp. of post-publication actions taken by journals and publishers.Our study was by no means limited to recovered patients. We note two patients died, who refused (yet were offered) the treatment component of our study .Inclusion criteria were as follows: positve PCR for COVID-19, informed consent, age ≥18 years old and agreement to practice two highly effective methods of birth control if of childbearing potential. Exclusion criteria were allergies or drug interactions with the combination therapy omponents; listed comorbidities, including seizure risk; and pregnancy.One should note that the underlying condition criteria information available in this database refers to chronic conditions of any type, whether or not the condition induces COVID-19 vulnerability. With this definition, 100% of control subjects and Ivermectin Combination Therapy treated subjects had underlying conditions of any type.Fortunately, with the drugs readily available, used in a sequenced combination, the vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths can be avoided for those who develop COVID-19 illness, irre997spective of their prior vaccination status.We encourage correspondents and the readership to take a pos. stance on early therapeutics as it is the only strategy to reduce the risk of hospitalization and death in COVID-19, particularly in the bourgeoning numbers of individuals who have been fully vaccinated and now have serious breakthrough infection.