一项接种一系列2 ﹢ 1剂CRM197﹣Hib疫苗或破伤风类毒素﹣Hib疫苗后IIIb期、对照、开放性、单中心、持久性、扩展试验
[Translation] A phase IIIb, controlled, open-label, single-center, persistent, extended-term trial of 2 + 1 doses of CRM197-Hib vaccine or tetanus toxoid-Hib vaccine
[Translation] To evaluate the persistence of anti-PRP antibodies approximately 4 years after booster vaccination with Hib-CRM197 or Hib-TT in children who participated in the previous trial, V37_07E1.
100 Clinical Results associated with Italy Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics Co., Ltd. Beijing Representative Office
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100 Deals associated with Italy Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics Co., Ltd. Beijing Representative Office
100 Translational Medicine associated with Italy Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics Co., Ltd. Beijing Representative Office