MechanismFibrinogen modulators [+1] |
Drug Highest PhaseApproved |
First Approval Ctry. / Loc.United States |
First Approval Date04 Jun 2021 |
/ Not yet recruitingPhase 1/2 A Phase 1/2A Prospective, Dose-Escalation, Open-Label Study of the Safety, Feasibility, and Initial Efficacy of Subcutaneous Plasminogen (Human) 10 for the Treatment of Diabetic Foot Ulcer
/ Not yet recruitingPhase 1/2 A Phase 1/2A, Dose Escalation, Randomized, Placebo Controlled Study of the Safety, Feasibility, and Efficacy of Subcutaneous Plasminogen (Human) 10 for the Treatment of Chronic Tympanic Membrane Perforation
/ Not yet recruitingPhase 2/3 A Phase 2/3, Open-Label, Repeat-Dose Study of the Pharmacokinetics, Efficacy, and Safety of ProMetic Plasminogen Intravenous Infusion in Subjects with Hypoplasminogenemia
100 Clinical Results associated with ProMetic Biotherapeutics Ltd.
0 Patents (Medical) associated with ProMetic Biotherapeutics Ltd.
100 Deals associated with ProMetic Biotherapeutics Ltd.
100 Translational Medicine associated with ProMetic Biotherapeutics Ltd.