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MechanismImmunostimulants |
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A Phase I Clinical Trial of Combined Cryotherapy and Intra-tumoral Immunotherapy With Autologous Immature Dendritic Cells in Men With Castration Resistant Prostatic Cancer and Metastases to Lymph Nodes and/or Bone Pre or Post Chemotherapy
20 patients with invasive castration resistant prostate cancer and radiologically verified metastases will be enrolled into the Phase I Clinical Trial. The trial is a dendritic cell based immunotherapy. Autologous dendritic cells will be obtained by leukapheresis and elutriation and stimulation by cytokines. The induced dendritic cells will have to pass viability, immunophenotyping and sterility criteria and will be injected into a cryoablated region of the primary prostate cancer tumor. The treatment is supplemented by immunomodulatory regimens.
100 Clinical Results associated with Alden Cancer Therapy II AS.
0 Patents (Medical) associated with Alden Cancer Therapy II AS.
100 Deals associated with Alden Cancer Therapy II AS.
100 Translational Medicine associated with Alden Cancer Therapy II AS.