Last update 19 Sep 2024


Basic Info

Smoothened受体, frizzled family member 11, FZD11
+ [9]
G protein-coupled receptor which associates with the patched protein (PTCH) to transduce hedgehog protein signaling. Binding of sonic hedgehog (SHH) to its receptor patched prevents inhibition of smoothened (SMO) by patched. When active, SMO binds to and sequesters protein kinase A catalytic subunit PRKACA at the cell membrane, preventing PRKACA-mediated phosphorylation of GLI transcription factors which releases the GLI proteins from PRKACA-mediated inhibition and allows for transcriptional activation of hedgehog pathway target genes (By similarity). Required for the accumulation of KIF7, GLI2 and GLI3 in the cilia (PubMed:19592253). Interacts with DLG5 at the ciliary base to induce the accumulation of KIF7 and GLI2 at the ciliary tip for GLI2 activation (By similarity).


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