Abstract:Endogenous or exogenous DNA damage needs to be repaired, therefore, cells in all the
three domains have repair pathways to maintain the integrity of their genetic material. Uracil
DNA glycosylases (UDGs), also known as UNGs (uracil-DNA N-glycosylases), are part of the
base-excision repair (BER) pathway. These enzymes specifically remove uracil from DNA
molecules by cleaving the glycosidic bond between the uracil base and the deoxyribose sugar.
UDGs can be broadly classified into six families, and each of them share conserved motifs that are
critical for substrate recognition and catalysis. Recently, an unconventional UDG known as
UDGX has been identified from the species Mycobacterium smegmatis, which is different from
other UDG members in forming an irreversible and extremely stable complex with DNA that is resistant
to even harsh denaturants such as SDS, NaOH, and heat. This suicide inactivation mechanism
prevents uracil excision and might play a protective role in maintaining genome integrity,
as bacterial survival under hypoxic conditions is reduced due to the overexpression of MsmUDGX.
Additionally, due to the importance of UDGs, the number of structures has been resolved.
Moreover, high-resolution 3D structures of apo MsmUDGX, as well as uracil and DNAbound
forms, are available in PDB. This review aims to provide insights into the specific structural-
functional aspects of each UDG family member for theragnostic applications.