The storage method for radioactive drugs needs to follow specific safety and protection standards to ensure the safety and effectiveness of radioactive substances. According to the provided resource information, here are some key points regarding the storage method for radioactive drugs:
· Storage facilities: Radioactive drugs should be stored in dedicated areas that meet radiation protection requirements. These areas should have proper shielding to reduce radiation leakage, and should have warning signs to remind people of the presence of radioactive substances.
· Storage containers: Radioactive drugs should be stored in containers with sufficient shielding, and these containers should have ionizing radiation signs on the surface to prevent radiation leakage and accidental contact.
· Classified storage: Radioactive waste should be collected and treated separately according to the type of radioactive nuclides, half-life, activity level, and physicochemical properties.
· Records and monitoring: Detailed records of radioactive drugs and wastes should be established, including their storage location, quantity, activity, and storage time, and regular monitoring and inspection should be conducted.
· Safety measures: The storage area should be equipped with necessary radiation monitoring instruments, such as X/γ ionization survey meters, surface contamination meters, and online radiation monitoring systems, to ensure radiation safety in the storage environment.
· Emergency preparedness: Radiation accident emergency plans should be formulated, and radiation accident emergency kits should be equipped, including protective clothing, monitoring equipment, and decontamination materials, to respond to potential radiation accidents.
· Personnel training: Personnel involved in the storage of radioactive drugs should receive training on radiation safety and protection, and only qualified personnel can work on the job.
· Compliance with regulations: The storage and management of radioactive drugs should comply with relevant laws, regulations, and standards.
The above information is a comprehensive summary from multiple resource documents to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the response. In actual operations, specific laws, regulations, and professional guidelines should be referred to for the storage of radioactive drugs.