/ RecruitingNot Applicable Prospective, Investigator Initiated Feasibility Study to Evaluate the Safety, and Indicative Effectiveness of Gebauer™ Lenticules in Patients Suffering From Severe Keratoconus or Post LASIK Ectasia
Cornea ectatic conditions such as keratoconus and post-LASIK (Laser In situ Keratomileusis) ectasia are disorders of the eye that are notorious for its uncontrolled progression over time, leading to loss of vision. There are valuable treatment options for controlling disease progression in mild to moderate stages of such disease. However in advanced cases and / or when contact lenses cannot be worn, surgery remains the only treatment option to rehabilitate vision. Most treatment options are highly invasive and represent significant risks. This study evaluates a novel corneal implant, Gebauer™ Lenticule to treat severe keratoconus or post-LASIK ectasia. This implant is derived from porcine collagen and intended for intra-stromal insertion. The Gebauer™ Lenticule is expected to improve the stability of the cornea while not impairing the vision. The procedure is an additive procedure after other treatment options have been exhausted. The procedure is reversible with removal of the implant (in the unexpected case of an adverse reaction), and vision may be restored to baseline.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate how well the implant is tolerated, it's safety profile, and how effective this new treatment option is in the treatment of keratoconus or post-LASIK ectasia.
Study to Determine the Safety of Gebauer's Ethyl Chloride and Gebauer's Pain Ease Sprays When Used Following ChloraPrep for Invasive Procedures
This study aims to determine if Gebauer's Pain Ease or Gebauer's Ethyl Chloride topical anesthetic sprays are safe for use as numbing agents prior to placing epidurals and arterial lines, based on whether they introduce increased microbial growth after application to skin. Due to the recent national shortage of lidocaine, we hope to find a suitable alternative to lidocaine for topical analgesia when placing arterial lines and epidurals. Our hypothesis is that the sprays will not affect the sterility of the area. We will compare microbial growth from three subsequent swabs taken from a single area of skin on the wrist and lower back: one with no treatment, the second after treatment with ChloraPrep, and the third after applying one of the numbing sprays. If there is significantly higher growth in the swabs containing the topical anesthetic spray versus the ChloraPrep alone, this will indicate that the sprays introduce microbes to the sites of skin.
Prospective,Randomized,Blinded, Comparative,Efficacy and Safety Trial of Vapocoolant (Pain Ease Medium Stream) for Intravenous Cannulation in Emergency Department Patients.
To determine the efficacy and safety of vapocoolant stream (Pain Ease Medium Stream ) in decreasing the pain of intravenous cannulation.
To compare vapocoolant stream (Pain Ease medium Stream) with control (e.g. sterile water) stream.
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100 Translational Medicine associated with Gebauer Co.