Drug Highest PhaseApproved |
First Approval Ctry. / Loc.Japan |
First Approval Date27 May 1983 |
/ Not yet recruitingPhase 1 氨磺必利注射液在中国健康志愿者中单次给药的药代动力学研究
[Translation] Pharmacokinetic study of amisulpride injection after single administration in Chinese healthy volunteers
评价中国健康志愿者分别注射 5mg/2mL、7.5mg/3mL 和 10mg/4mL三个剂量水平氨磺必利注射液后,氨磺必利在中国健康志愿者体内的药代动力学特征;同时也评价中国健康志愿者给予不同剂量氨磺必利注射液的安全性。
[Translation] To evaluate the pharmacokinetic characteristics of amisulpride in healthy Chinese volunteers after they were injected with three dose levels of amisulpride injection: 5mg/2mL, 7.5mg/3mL and 10mg/4mL; also to evaluate the safety of administering different doses of amisulpride injection to healthy Chinese volunteers.
/ Not yet recruitingPhase 3 评价氨磺必利注射液预防术后恶心呕吐的有效性和安全性的随机、双盲、安慰
[Translation] A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of amisulpride injection in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting.
[Translation] To evaluate the efficacy and safety of amisulpride injection in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV).
评价吸入用盐酸氨溴索溶液改善(成人)下呼吸道感染疾病粘痰症状的 有效性和安全性的随机、双盲、安慰剂平行对照、多中心的临床研究
[Translation] A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of inhaled ambroxol hydrochloride solution in improving the symptoms of mucus in lower respiratory tract infections (adults)
评价山西阳和医药技术有限公司研制的吸入用盐酸氨溴索溶液改善(成 人)下呼吸道感染疾病粘痰症状的有效性和安全性。
[Translation] To evaluate the efficacy and safety of ambroxol hydrochloride solution for inhalation developed by Shanxi Yanghe Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd. in improving the symptoms of sputum in lower respiratory tract infections (adults).
100 Clinical Results associated with Shanxi Yanghe Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.
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100 Deals associated with Shanxi Yanghe Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.
100 Translational Medicine associated with Shanxi Yanghe Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.