/ SuspendedNot Applicable The effect of an assist-as-needed-algorithm in stroke and SCI patients.
/ Not yet recruitingNot Applicable ROOMMATE - AggRegated System of SensOrs and Multimedia Monitors: Technology for InnovAtion and PersonalizaTion of REhabilitation Care.
The aim of this clinical trial is to assess whether the ROOMMATE system can effectively support the rehabilitation of adults recovering from subacute strokes. The study will be conducted at the neuromotor rehabilitation inpatient clinics of IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi in Florence, Italy, and the rehabilitation inpatient unit of Elias University Emergency Hospital in Bucharest, Romania.
Primary Objectives:
-To assess the effects on functional recovery in subacute stroke survivors of a technological rehabilitation station placed at patients' bedsides, combined with dedicated coaching provided to all users (patients, informal caregivers, and formal caregivers).
Secondary Objectives:
* Evaluation of the effects of the experimental treatment on patient satisfaction, upper limb motor skills, manual dexterity, global cognitive functioning, anxiety, and depression.
* Assessment of user experience, acceptance, and usability of the technology by patients and caregivers.
* Evaluation of social impact using the Social Return on Investment (SROI) ratio of the experimental treatment.
Participants randomized into one of the experimental groups, in addition to receiving conventional care, will use the ROOMMATE system during their hospitalization. The system will be made available to patients and will be free for them to use at their discretion.
The station will include:
Multimedia monitors (Khymeia home kit): These will deliver cognitive and motor serious games, educational and rehabilitative content, as well as infotainment specifically developed by the clinical partners of the project.
An inertial sensor kit: This integrates with the monitors to guide users through virtual reality environments.
/ RecruitingNot Applicable Nerve Transfers (reinnervation of the Posterior Interosseus Nerve and Anterior Interosseus Nerve) in Patients with Cervical Spinal Cord Injury: Duration Until Effect, Influence of Age and Impact of Time to Surgery on the Effect
The goal of this observational study is to learn about influencing factors on the clinical outcomes of nerve transfers used to restore hand function in patients with cervical spinal cord injury (CSCI). Specifically, the study focuses on the reinnervation of the posterior interosseus nerve (PIN) and the anterior interosseus nerve (AIN).
The main questions it aims to answer are:
1. What is the duration after nerve transfer surgery until effect is achieved?
2. What is the influence of the participants age during surgery on the effect of a nerve transfer?
3. What is the impact of time interval from the date of spinal cord injury to the date of nerve transfer surgery?
Participants are not directly involved in this study since data will be retrospectively collected from the Electronic Patients Records (EPD).
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