MechanismmAChRs antagonists |
Drug Highest PhaseApproved |
First Approval Ctry. / Loc.JP |
First Approval Date20 Jul 1968 |
Drug Highest PhasePhase 3 |
First Approval Ctry. / Loc.- |
First Approval Date- |
Target- |
Mechanism- |
Inactive Indication- |
Drug Highest PhaseIND Approval |
First Approval Ctry. / Loc.- |
First Approval Date- |
/ CompletedNot Applicable [Translation] Bioequivalence study of sildenafil citrate tablets
[Translation] Primary purpose: To study the absorption rate and extent of sildenafil citrate tablets (specification: 100 mg) developed by Lepu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., using sildenafil citrate tablets (trade name: Viagra®; specification: 100 mg) held by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. as the reference preparation in healthy subjects under fasting or postprandial conditions, and to evaluate whether the test preparation and the reference preparation are bioequivalent.
Secondary purpose: To observe the safety of oral test preparations and reference preparations in healthy subjects.
/ CompletedNot Applicable [Translation] Bioequivalence study of empagliflozin and metformin extended-release tablets
主要目的:在健康受试者体内,在空腹和餐后条件下,以Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc持有的恩格列净二甲双胍缓释片(商品名:SYNJARDY® XR;规格:恩格列净5 mg /盐酸二甲双胍1000 mg)为参比制剂,研究乐普药业股份有限公司研制的恩格列净二甲双胍缓释片(规格:恩格列净5 mg /盐酸二甲双胍1000 mg)的药代动力学,评价受试制剂与参比制剂是否具有生物等效性。
[Translation] Primary objective: To study the pharmacokinetics of empagliflozin metformin extended-release tablets (specifications: empagliflozin 5 mg/metformin hydrochloride 1000 mg) developed by Lepu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. under fasting and postprandial conditions in healthy subjects, using empagliflozin metformin extended-release tablets (trade name: SYNJARDY® XR; specifications: empagliflozin 5 mg/metformin hydrochloride 1000 mg) held by Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc as the reference preparation, and to evaluate whether the test preparation and the reference preparation are bioequivalent.
Secondary objective: To observe the safety of the test preparation and the reference preparation in oral administration to healthy subjects.
/ CompletedNot Applicable [Translation] Bioequivalence study of sacubitril-valsartan sodium tablets
主要目的:健康受试者在空腹和餐后条件下,以Novartis Pharma Schweiz AG持有的沙库巴曲缬沙坦钠片(商品名:诺欣妥®;规格:100 mg,沙库巴曲49 mg/缬沙坦51 mg)为参比制剂,研究乐普药业股份有限公司研制的沙库巴曲缬沙坦钠片(规格:100 mg,沙库巴曲49 mg/缬沙坦51 mg)的药代动力学,评价受试制剂与参比制剂是否具有生物等效性。
[Translation] Primary objective: To study the pharmacokinetics of sacubitril-valsartan sodium tablets (specification: 100 mg, sacubitril 49 mg/valsartan 51 mg) developed by Lepu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. under fasting and postprandial conditions in healthy subjects, using sacubitril-valsartan sodium tablets (trade name: Nuxinto®; specification: 100 mg, sacubitril 49 mg/valsartan 51 mg) held by Novartis Pharma Schweiz AG as the reference preparation, and to evaluate whether the test preparation and the reference preparation are bioequivalent.
Secondary objective: To observe the safety of oral administration of the test preparation and the reference preparation in healthy subjects.
100 Clinical Results associated with Beijing Lepu Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.
0 Patents (Medical) associated with Beijing Lepu Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.
100 Deals associated with Beijing Lepu Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.
100 Translational Medicine associated with Beijing Lepu Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd.